Miles Clayton is a Business to Business Technology PR consultant with more than 30 years of experience. He also provides virtual and face to face training and coaching to marketing and PR professionals as well as C-Suite executives looking to build their thought leadership platforms.
After working in Honk Kong for the PR arm of Saatchi & Saatchi after leaving University, Miles Clayton completed a Masters degree in Public Relations at Stirling University before working with 4 of the UK’s Top 20 Technology PR agencies from during a successful career which saw him serving a wide range of technology firms over a 10 year period.
He ran a large team in the technology agency within Citigate Dewe Rogerson. Highlights including running campaigns for electronic data capture software firm Focus Solutions Group, helping it position and communicate the unique capabilities of the company prior to its successful listing on AIM in early 2000.
During this period, he developed a model for helping tech firms to fast track their thought leadership status, helping them to build and working with his team to execute numerous market research-based thought leadership campaigns to help businesses engage more deeply in the markets they served, thereby increasing their authority, media coverage and sales success.
After a career of more than 12 years, Miles opened his own PR agency – Agility PR in 2003. But the market research-led campaigning continued and formed the cornerstone of Miles’ Agility Insights Method which he formalised in 2020.
Today, technology businesses increasingly must have an aspiration to thought lead to be successful. To stand out from the crowd today, they must be willing to communicate their unique views on the market(s) they serve, commenting regularly on the pressures and opportunities that the market is facing and where it is heading in the future.
Straight selling of your offering and its feature set is not enough to optimise sales anymore, you must have the ‘authority’ to sell, based on evidence of a reputation, which in turn is based on a clear track record of commitment to the market(s) you serve. In this way you earn the right to speak to decision-makers as a peer not merely as another supplier of another product.
Miles Clayton helps companies to find their voice and build their thought leadership platform. The PR agency he founded Agility PR can then help execute powerful campaigns infused with rich, original, and unique insights. Promoting the resulting stand out content in relevant media publications, on your website, social channels, and digital marketing campaigns.
Miles has used the COVID-19 period to pivot to virtual training and coaching. He has given 6 webinars to audiences of 5 to 15 people on topics as diverse as ‘Executing Market Research which delivers both business intelligence and highly shareable, newsworthy insights’; ‘Building Powerful Content Journeys which turn more of your prospects into customers’; Without Thought Leadership you cannot differentiate’, ‘Discover how to ensure your marketing spend is delivering through a downturn’ and ‘How to Create Engaging Marketing & PR Content’.
Miles will publish an eBook entitled ‘Market Research as the source of thought leadership campaign success’ on 1st May 2021. Sign up here to be mailed a PDF of the eBook free.
Miles is a keen skier, completing an annual pilgrimage to the Swiss Alps every year except 2021 since he was seven years old.
Whilst at home, in lockdown or not, I’m often seen putting together a vegetarian dish for my wife and a hearty roast for my adult children if they are back from University for a few days.
To sign up for Miles’ latest webinar please go here.